“NP PETROLEUM” LLC has been working for the 9th year in the field of wholesale and retail sales of oil products through its warehouses and gas stations with state-registered containers and equipment that meet the requirements of special license standards.
Our company cooperates with Russian producers such as Gazprom Neft, Rosneft, and Lukoil, and we sell lubricant products through our gas stations.
We aim to introduce international standards ISO 9001 and ISO 45001, strengthen the company’s position in the import, retail and wholesale market of domestic petroleum products and develop into a skilled team.
“NP PETROLEUM” LLC delivers its fuel and lubricant products to customers in the mining, energy, road, construction, and agricultural sectors of the oil market through state-registered tanks and designated warehouses that meet standard requirements.
Our company provides fast delivery of products and services throughout Mongolia with special vehicles.
The sales managers in charge of each customer organization focus on the quality, shipping, and development of the products and services they provide, as well as follow the principle of working closely with customer organizations.
Types of fuel:
Ulaanbaatar city
Rural area
“NP PETROLEUM” LLC supplies oil and lubrication products for mining and passenger light vehicles certified by an accredited laboratory from abroad and domestically.
the company website NP Petrolium LLC
Introduction of New Mineral LLC
New Mineral LLC was founded in 2012 in the field of production of road raw mineral powder, lime, and lightweight building blocks.
Our team is working with a team of highly qualified engineering and technical staff to produce the products that meet the customer’s demand and quality standards and prepare and deliver them quickly. In 2019, the company expanded its scope of operations in many directions, and started using new JS 1000 and JS1500 1.5 cubic meter automatic control concrete mixing units made in the Chinese Republic, producing concrete and supplying it to construction companies. Our company pays more attention to the quality of its concrete, in addition to regular testing and daily quality control in a fully equipped laboratory, it is also certified by a comprehensive analysis of raw materials and products by the integrated construction laboratory of Khovd province.
We always pay attention to labor safety and environmental issues and prioritize the ECO system to create a stable and reliable workplace.
To become the leading producer of the construction sector.
To produce qualified products using environmentally friendly and advanced techniques and technologies and forming a skilled team.
Operation field
Development work
In 2012-2022, the company produced a total of 64,000 tons of mineral powder and 47,500 m3 of concrete and took part in the large-scale construction projects implemented by the Government of Mongolia and the province.
New Mineral LLC strictly fulfills its obligations to the society, engages in environmentally friendly production, and works for sustainable economic development.
Our meat processing factory constructed and opened in Bulgan province Hutag-Undur sum in 1992. It built in purpose of export carcass meat to Russian Federation and of the first fully equipped factory in Mongolia.
In 2018 we fully renewed factory equipment and repaired buildings, made expansion on space and installed new technology to complying with international food standard and ready to supply domestic and international markets.
We are preparing farm animals from Bulgan, Arkhangai, Khuvsgul provinces and its giving big opportunities for farmer to sell them by market price.
Capacity: Our factory has 2 slaughtering lines with capacity of 500 ovine and 100 bovines per day. Also we have 2 deep freezing cameras for 75 tons by -40 degree Celsius, and 500 tons’ capacity storage room with possibility to cool down -22 degree by Celsius. We started our export activity with plan to reach 1500-2000 tons and already have 100 employees.
Location: Our factory located in central part of Mongolia in Bulgan province Khutag-Undur sum and surrounded by Khuvsgul, Selenge, Tuv, Arkhangai, Uvurkhangai provinces. Bulgan province has around 3.3 million of farm animals. KhutugUndur sum connected by international highway and located 170 km from railroad. Located near of farmers and farm animals is one of our biggest advantages.
We are cooperating closely with local government to strive to manufacture pure ecological pasture Mongolian meat in accordance with international standards, safety, quality controlling technology produced by professional staffs and human resources and willing to make our own input to the development of Mongolia and its economy.
the company website Bulgan makh market KKC
In 1988, the company was established in Khovd region under the name of “Urguu Puus” to establish a geological exploration center in the far western region. Current Khovd Urguu LLC is continuously operating in the field of construction and construction material industry, and since 2000, it has been affiliated to “New Progress Group” LLC and continues to expand its scope.
We continue to make our real contribution to the growth and development of the infrastructure sector in the western region, and today we are continuously operating with 10 engineering and technical staff, more than 220 professional workers and 3 brigades with factories such as construction, construction material production, concrete plants, mortar units, and mechanical reinforcement.
Operation field
Since 1991, the company has built and put into operation 14 playgrounds and more than 60 new buildings of the Western Region Children and Youth Cultural and Recreation Center, as well as major renovation works of 18 buildings, as well as 30 family apartment building, 38 family apartment buildings, kindergarten buildings for 70 and 100 children, a 50-bed maternity hospital building, a 320-seat cultural center building, 24,000 m2 of pedestrian walkways and 1,208 m2 of road parking for Western Region Children and Youth Cultural and Recreation Center, and the construction of Khovd Eco cement plant construction of one of the largest developments in the western region has been completed.
Capacity of the plant
Khovd Urguu LLC has a high production capacity of construction and execution of 6500 m2 civil and industrial buildings per year. Also, production of overhead power line metal, wood, reinforced concrete and solid concrete constructions of 15kV, 35Kv, 110kV, installation of heating, water supply and sewage lines, external and internal pressurized non-pressurized lines, electricity and communication signaling, 0.4-110 kw construction of high-voltage line distribution facilities, disinfection, water and sewage lifting stations, and hydrogeological buildings are done by our company.
Since 2007, we have installed and owned the factory equipment for high-voltage power transmission line’s cylindrical reinforced concrete supports, and have been manufacturing Concrete pole 3-10-56, Concrete pole 3-12-45 brand supports, F2A (Foundation supports for power lines) foundations, Concrete Cross-bars1A, Concrete cross bars 2A, and Reinforced precast concrete slabs3.2×1.2 panels.
Introduction of AGGS LLC
Mission: to create value and application culture which is accepted internationally with the best management.
Operation introduction
“AGGS” LLC was founded in October 2009 with the aim of contributing to the prosperity and development of Mongolia. Since its establishment, it has been working in foreign trade for more than 10 years, and has been operating in the construction industry since 2018. In order to ensure the development of management, we have successfully implemented the quality management system of the first international MNS ISO9001:2015, ISO45001:2018, and MNS ISO 14001:2016 standards in the construction industry.
Our team consists of more than 60 employees, 70% of whom are engineers and managers with higher education, and 30% are experienced employees with technical education. We are working as a united team for one goal and objective with experienced, qualified, managerial and engineering staff.
Also, while supporting the learning and development opportunities of employees in every way, we regularly implement optimal training and development policy programs for our employees, and strive to ensure real development growth based on human resources.
Our company is planning to become one of the leaders in the construction industry and successfully implement many projects that will contribute to the development and image of the city.
An example of this is the KHAN TUGUL TOWN project. We have introduced advanced techniques and technologies that have reached European and international standards in the operation of this project and handed in a HEALTHY, SAFE, and COMFORTABLE building to our customers. We have successfully put the first phase of Lake Tugul into operation, and now we are starting the next phase. We are also working on a residential project for 424 families, including a kindergarten and shopping center.
“Вестерн холд” ХХК нь 2008 онд гадаад дотоод худалдаа, иргэний болон үйлдвэрлэлийн барилга угсралт барилгын материалын үйлдвэрлэл явуулах үндсэн чиглэлээр Ховд аймагт байгуулагдсан. Өнгөрсөн хугацаанд үйлдвэрлэлийн тоног төхөөрөмж, машин механизм материаллаг бааз сууриа бэхжүүлэн шинэчлэхэд ихээхэн хэмжээний хөрөнгө оруулалтыг хийсний зэрэгцээ, мэргэжлийн ур чадвар өндөртэй, сэтгэл зүтгэлтэй ажилчдаар хамт олноо бүрдүүлэн үйл ажиллагаагаа явуулж байна.
“Ховд Эко Цемент” цементийн үйлдвэр Үндсэн түүхий эд болох Шохойт ордын шохойн чулуу, тохируулгын түүхий эд болох шавар, чулуун нүүрс, төмрийн хүдэр, гөлтгөнө зэрэг түүхий эд материалыг ашиглан орчин үеийн дэвшилтэт техник технологиор РС 42.5, OРС 42.5, РС 52.5 ангиллын өндөр чанарын портланд цемент үйлдвэрийг барьж байгуулахаар ажиллаж байна.
МУ-ын алслагдсан баруун хязгаарт түүхий эд материал тээвэрлэн хүргэх зардал өндөр гардаг нь бүс нутгийн үйлдвэрлэл үйл ажиллагаа явуулдаг компани, хувь хүмүүст нөлөөлдөг гол хүчин зүйл байдаг. Баруун бүсийн барилга, барилгын материалын үйлдвэрлэлийг хөгжүүлэх зорилгоор “Вестерн Холд” ХХК нь жилдээ 250,000тн сайн чанарын портланд цемент үйлдвэрлэх хүчин чадалтай дэвшилтэт технологи бүхий хуурай аргын үйлдвэрийг барьж ашиглалтанд оруулах төсөл боловсруулан ажиллаж байна.
Бидний төсөл амжилттай хэрэгжсэнээр баруун бүсийн 5 аймгийн цементийн хэрэгцээг бүрэн хангаад зогсохгүй цаашлаад БНХАУ, ОХУ-ын хил дагуу орших хотуудад бүтээгдэхүүнээ экспортлохын зэрэгцээ өдөр бүр өсөн нэмэгдэж байгаа баруун бүсийн цементийн хэрэгцээг хангахад чухал алхам болно гэдгийг үе үеийн Засгийн газар дэмжсээр ирсэнийг энд дурдахад бахархалтай байна.
· “Ховд Эко Цемент” үйлдвэрийн төсөл хэрэгжүүлэгч
the company website Western Hold LLC
Altai Zam JSC
In 1935, the National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of Mongolia decided to establish a road department in Khovd province, and the foundation of the Altai Road Company was laid with the establishment of the “Road Department”. Road departments of Zavkhan in 1940, Uvs in 1959, Bayan-Ulgii in 1960 branched from this Road Department. It was the foundation for the construction of roads and bridges and further development in the western region.
In 1992, it was organized as a state-ownership dominated “Roads” Joint Stock Company, and then in 1996, under the Mongolian Partnership Law, it was transformed into Altai Zam Joint Stock Company and started operating with a charter capital of MNT 103.9 million.
“Altai Zam” JSC has been operating under the New Progress Group since 2003. By expanding the company’s material base, equipment, machinery and machinery base, strengthening the resources of experienced personnel and providing optimal management. Year by year, the production and construction volume increases, and it occupies a leading position in the road industry.
Also, since 2014, we have expanded our activities in the field of soil stripping, extraction of mineral resources, customs clearance by increasing our base of work experience, manpower, and technical equipment, and have been working in a leading position in the field.
Advantages and achievements of the company
Great experience: “Altai Zam” company is the first company established in the western region and has been working continuously and successfully for 86 years in the road sector and 8 years in the mining sector.
Material base: “Altai Zam” company is a professional organization fully equipped with every kind of machinery and equipment required for the successful completion of all road and mining works.
Ecological partnership company: Every time the road construction is completed, the used quarries are restored to their normal condition, and compensation for the use of sand and gravel is paid each time, which is used for ecological restoration through the local budget revenue. On the other hand, the construction of highways eliminates dozens of branch roads and allows traffic to continue on only one road, which can be very important in reducing desertification, soil erosion, and sand migration.
Primary development: Mongolia’s second largest airport, Khovd Province Airport and the work on the expansion of the heavy-duty aircraft takeoff and landing runway with an area of 172.3 thousand m2 have been successfully completed. Also, in the high mountain region of the Altai Mountains, soil stripping and coal mining work is being successfully carried out for the first time in harsh mountain conditions.
THE FIRST ROAD COMPANY WHICH INTRODUCED STANDARDS OF QUALITY AND OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HYGIENE: The first road company that introduced ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System and OHSAS 18001:2007 Occupational Safety and Hygiene Management System.
It is the first company which fully implements the ISO450001:2018 international standards of Occupational Health and Safety in its operations in 2021.
Experienced workforce
“Altai Zam” JSC has 553 full-time employees and 40% of all employees are highly skilled workers with more than 5 years of experience in their field.
The company is one of the few domestic companies that only employs Mongolian workers, and in cooperation with local Labor Welfare Services departments, it not only provides jobs to rural people, but also regularly conducts professional orientation training for them.
In order to pay attention to the social problems of its employees, assist and reward them, it started cash accumulation in the “Social Development Fund” of the company.
Workers’ camp
The camp for the project workers has a total of 2300 m2 with a total capacity of 450 people per shift, including a complete cafeteria, day-room, food storage, apartment, shower for workers, toilet, laundry workshop. A basketball court, a volleyball court, and a fitness room were also furnished for the employees’ leisure time. In addition, in 2022, a new camp extension with 1500m2 and 48 rooms was built and put into operation.
Over 60 people from Ulz Gol Group LLC, Hera Equipment LLC, Power Blast LLC, Munkhtetgegch Khuch LLC, Talst Blast LLC and Bambai Security work.
Since 2017, the equipment pool has been constantly updated by investing in the latest techniques.
As of today, the Khushuut Project is operating with 177 pieces of equipment, of which 88 are its own equipment and 89 are leased equipment.
Latest techniques in our ownership:
– Dump truck of MT86, SANY, Tonly – 42
– Loaders of SEM660D, LIOGONG, Lonking LG855B, XCMG ZL50ZV, XCMG LV500F – 17
– Excavators of CAT349, CAT374, CAT390, CAT395, Hyundai R290LC, Hyundai R520LC – 11
– Water and fuel truck of Dong feng, Hyundai brand – 6
– Bulldozers of CATD8, CATD9 – 2
– Grader CATM14 – 1
– Passenger cars of LAND 76, LAND 78, LAND 79, LAND 200 – 5
– Other trailers, tugs, cranes, trucks – 4.
ISO 9001:2008, Occupational health and safety management system OHSAS 18001:2007
2021 OHS ISO 45001; 2018 international standard was introduced
Industrial Powerful Base
Today, the company has 3 asphalt concrete factories equipped with Russian Federation and Chinese Republic technologies, with more than 200 high-capacity machinery or the capacity to produce 260,000 tons of asphalt concrete mixture, and to construct 200 km of paved road and 400 l/m of reinforced concrete bridges and pipelines and 2000 to 3500 tons of metal products per year.
It has 3-set crusher equipment with a capacity of crushing 80 cubic meters of stone per hour, and a Rubble Master mobile crusher with a capacity of crushing 120 m3 of stone per hour, and 4 types of stones with a size of 0-40 mm are crushed in accordance with the standards and applied for our production. The road construction works are constantly monitored and analyzed, and there is a fully equipped field laboratory dedicated to all types of soil and asphalt mixture analysis.
Types of products and material, activities
which are able to be provided by our company
Road construction
Currently the company is in charge of maintenance of 311-km paved road and 18-meter 17 bridges from Khushuut mine in Darvi soum, Khovd province to Yarant port in Bulgan soum.
Khushuut Project
Since 2014, Altai zam JSC has been successfully working on the Khushuut project by signing a contract with MoEnCo LLC for “coal extraction and soil stripping in the Khushuut mine of Khovd province”. The following works are being carried out within the Khushuut project.
Soil stripping
Since 2017, heavy mining machinery have been invested every year, and as of today, it has the capacity to perform 11.5 million m3 of soil stripping work.
Coal mining
As of today, it is working with the capacity of excavating 6.7 million tons of coal per year.
Dry concentrator operation
It has the capacity to produce 7.2 million tons of dry concentrate per year.
Loading and sealing of coal for export
In terms of customs shipments, 7.2 million tons are shipped annually. 7.2 million tons of coal are covered and sealed after being loaded into trucks.
Locality and intensity of coal loading and screening
We are carrying out all the local coal screening and loading work.
Mining gas station
By building and operating a gas station with a capacity of 100 tons inside the mine, we can directly receive yield from outside, get fuel for wheeled vehicles without delay, and operate the mine without interruption caused by fuel. Moreover, fuel trucks have the advantage of not having to leave the mining area for yield.
Achievements in 2022
In 2022, the number of our employees increased by 180 employees, Altai zam JSC had the largest number of employees, i.e. 553 employees, and collected MNT 1.6 billion in health and social insurance premiums and MNT 17.8 billion in taxes to the state budget.
Also, OHS ISO45001:2018 standard was introduced in operations and successfully passed the 2nd audit of the certification of this standard in 2022.
A 1,500m2 camping building is being built and put into use for mine workers for 1.6 billion MNT.
In addition to commissioning a 50-meter deep well in the mining camp, 2 portable gas stations were also established.
The equipment pool has been updated with the latest equipment: 11 dump trucks of TONLY, 1 excavator of CAT395, 4 vehicles of LAND 76, Land 78, Land 79, 2 passenger cars of HIACE for employee service and 1 fuel truck of HYUNDAI.
In 2022, a total of 1,590,178 m3 of coal mining and 10,455,243 m3 of soil stripping were carried out, and coal extraction has doubled or increased by 96 percent, and soil stripping has increased by 61 percent.
The leading company in power energy industry of Mongolia
A powerful channel to distribute development
Brief introduction
“Altai Trest” LLC was first established on May 28, 1993. “Altai Trest” LLC is leading the field of energy with its rich experience accumulated, enormous works completed, professional workforce and material base in the field. Moreover, the company has been introducing new advanced technology in the field. It has been working in the wide range of development around Mongolia.
“Altai Trest” LLC, which has been operating under New Progress Group Since 2002, carried out 16% of the construction work in the energy construction sector in 2006. In 2007 to 2008 the year of Great Development Project, 14.5% of the largest construction work in the energy sector was completed by our company alone. Also 1000-kilometer-long overhead power line with substations was built.
In recent years, in the field of energy construction, we have been working in the country’s infrastructure sector by performing the construction of overhead transmission lines and substations in the due time and with high quality.
Operation field
Capacity of the plant
Altai Trest LLC has created an equipment pool more than 100 machinery and equipment, mechanical workshops, auto garages, metal structures and a number of reinforced concrete plants with its own funds.
When carrying out power construction work, the work volume and budget of the object is carefully studied, and a graphic plan is drawn up based on detailed assessment of manpower, machinery, time to be spent, and materials.
In addition to carefully carrying out technical maintenance of the machines that will work at the site, preparing spare parts and creating an opportunity to work without interruption, the workers’ accommodation, food, and household supplies are fully prepared at the site to create a condition for the quality execution of the construction work in a short time.
We provide professional management of the work of the brigade working at the site, check safety operations and build a professional engineering technical team to monitor and guide the work process.
We have reliable domestic and foreign partners who supply materials and equipment which are used in all types of power transmission lines and substations.
As we produce the reinforced concrete supports and reinforced concrete structures necessary for the construction of overhead transmission lines and substations, we can reduce the cost of raw materials and keep the cost of the work budget low.
By strictly implementing the technological procedures in any work, we work without any types of accidents and fatality. In addition to maintaining technical and safety journals at each facility, “Labor protection-Safety techniques-Hygiene”, professional and labor law training are conducted annually among our employees and mechanics and quality and professional, labor protection-safe operation level examinations are conducts to confirms their understanding.
We started a new page in the history of the development of energy sector of Mongolia by building and handing over a 220 kV high-voltage two-circuit overhead transmission line with iron supports (101 kilometers long from the border of Mongolia to the center of Uvs province) at high rating quality based on its own construction, production base, engineers and professional workers without any assistance of foreign experts for the first time in Mongolia.
With more than 20 years of experience in the field of energy construction, Altai Trest LLC, the leading company in the field, has built about 3100 km long overhead transmission lines and more than 80 substations, established the integrated power system of the western region and connected more than 60 soums of provinces such as Uvs, Bayan-Ulgii, Khovd, Khuvsgul, Uvurkhangai, Gobi-Altai, Bayankhongor, Khentii and Dornod to the integrated power system of the region with its effort to establish Mongolia’s integrated power system and expand the scope of it.
Overhead transmission lines of 220kV
110 kV ovrhead transmission line
35kV overhead transmission lines
10 kV overhead transmission line
6 kV overhead transmission lines
0.4kV OHTL
Construction of substations and other facilities
Projects to be implemented in 2023
Electricity distribution and electricity procedure provision are added to the operation field of Altai Trest LLC in 2022.
№ | Project name | Project completion year | Tasks implemented within the frame of the project |
1 | Feasibility study and design development of 110kV overhead transmission line and substation in connection with the construction of an airport in Khushig Valley | 2013 | · 86 km long 110kV overhead transmission line
· 110/10kV 2x16MVA Khushig substation |
2 | 97 km of 110kV overhead transmission line, 110/35/10kV 2x40MVA substation /Ulaanbaatar/ project to be built from Zaisan 110/35/10kV 2x40MVA substation to micro-district 14 substation of Ulaanbaatar Ikh Toirog line with turnkey conditions | 2014 | · Construction 2km 110kV 2-circuit OHTL
· Construction of Zaisan 110/35/10kV 2x40MVA substation |
3 | 110/35/10kV 2x40MVA “Micro-district 14” substation design and construction | 2014 | · Construction of 110/35/10kV 2x40MVA “Micro-district 14” substation |
4 | 110/35/10kV 2x40MVA substation of Bayangol Am “Bayangol” substation of Ulaanbaatar city, 22km of overhead transmission line | 2014 | · Construction of .7 km long 110kV overhead transmission line
· Construction of 110/35/10kV 2x40MVA Bayangol Substation |
5 | Electric power supply, substations, and overhead transmission line the Berlin Eco-campus 2015. | 2015 | · Construction 9km 110kV overhead transmission line
· Construction of 110/10kV 2x40MVA Buyant-Ukhaa Substation |
6 | Expansion of 110/35/10kV Tavantolgoi substation, Tsogttsegtsii soum, Umnugobi province | 2017 | · Construction of Expansion of 110/35/10kV Tavantolgoi substation, |
7 | Construction-Transfer Concession Agreement for the expansion and update of Choir substation | 2019 | · Construction and renovation of Choir 220/110/35/6kV 2 x 200MVA substation |
8 | 330kV 2-circuit overhead transmission line from Ulaanbaatar-Mandalgobi, Mongolia | 2018 | · Construction of 47 km 330kV 2-circuit overhead transmission line |
9 | Construction of Inter- soums 35kV overhead transmission line/Uvs, Naranbulag/ with the conditions of the turnkey contract | 2020 | · 84 km 35kV overhead transmission line
· Construction of 35/10kV Naranbulag substation · Construction of 35/0.4kV Uliasnii Khev substation |
10 | Complete renovation of 35kV 10-com oil circuit breakers of the Khangai region branch of “NTN” SOJSC with relay protection with the fund of World Bank, | 2021 | · Construction of 35kV 10-com oil circuit breakers to be replaced with a vacuum breaker
· Relay protection work |
№ | Project name | Tasks implemented within the frame of the project |
1 | Construction of 35kV overhead transmission line from Khushuut mining to Uyench soum, Khovd province and expantion of Uyench substation (Uyench soum, Khovd province). | · Construction of 240km 35kV overhead transmission line
· Construction of expansion of Khushuut 35/10kV substation · Construction of expansion of Uyench 35/0.4kV substation |
Amarsanaa -1, Jargalant soum, Khovd Province
Phone: (976) 7017 2238, 7017 2283
Fax: (976) 7017 2251
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