We are guided by a transparent, fair and equal recruitment practice to hire applicants who meet the values and mission of New Progress Group LLC.

  • Favorable working environment for every employees– Everyone has their own workplace, and the most important thing is to create a comfortable working environment, increase productivity, and create employees with a healthy mind.
  • To develop professional, creative, dynamic and initiative employees – To create employees who understand that they are subjects participating in BUSINESS and not just performing tasks given by someone like a robot, we will train our employees and develop the learning organization
  • Transition from human center to data center– In this era of working and living in the information age, make the digital transition of business processes using technology instead of traditional manual methods. Furthermore, increase performance by making decisions based on data
  • Increase productivity through efficiency-based performance management – Organizations prefer the 80/20 principle, ultimately giving more importance to the results of the work or the main things, and evaluating performance by focusing on the most important rather than all. This way, the employee can work more productively and happily.

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